3rd September 2018
Factfiles on Nigeria Part 5 #StateOfTheNation
(A United Nation Resource)
Forwarded by
Kindle Gate Foundation (Advocating the Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals)
1. The Federal Government’s Economic Recovery and Growth Plan, 2017-2020 aims to diversify the productive base of the economy and direct it towards sustainable development and inclusive growth. The United Nations Sustainable Development Partnership Framework (UNSDPF), 2018-2022 is closely aligned with the national plan, which forms the basis for the development of Nigeria Vision 2030 and aligns the country’s milestones to the Sustainable Development Goals and the African Union Agenda 2063. Nigeria is a “Delivering as one” country, and UNICEF has chaired the development of the new UNSDPF.
2. The vision for the next country programme of cooperation, which is in the spirit of the draft UNICEF Strategic Plan, 2018-2021 and geared towards achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, is to demonstrate the impact, value and affordability of investing in long-lasting institutional and community-based systems and policies in favour of children’s survival, growth and development. This strategy pursues nationwide universal coverage based on replicable models established in selected focus states and LGAs, while ensuring the provision of rapid life-saving humanitarian assistance. UNICEF aims to accelerate progress in four high-impact areas of results for children where it is uniquely placed to support the Government:
(a) Enrolment of children, especially girls, in early learning and primary school at the right age to promote psychomotor and cognitive development in order to reduce the number of out-of-school children; strengthen gender equality in and through education; and improve the quality of learning for retention;
(b) Routine immunization, including against polio, for all children by 1 year of age and support for women to make informed and empowered decisions, including during pregnancy, to promote child survival and well-being;
(c) Feeding, hygiene and sanitation practices to reduce high levels of stunting and prevent and treat SAM in under-five children;
(d) Promotion of attitudes and practices to reduce the high prevalence of violence against children and address gender norms at all levels of society.
3. Underlying this approach will be better cross-border collaboration with neighbouring countries, especially in the Lake Chad Basin, and support towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, which is critical given the country’s demographic weight.
4. Important lessons learned informing this approach are that targeting of focus states and LGAs needs to be better coordinated and more strategic, and that geographic and programmatic convergence are needed to harness gains for children. Using strengthened criteria for selecting focus states and LGAs, UNICEF will connect policies at the national and state levels with capacity-strengthening efforts at selected local levels, which will simultaneously generate demand for services. This will be complemented by the development of coordinated data systems, evidence-based investment cases and proof-of-concept models.
5. Within selected states, LGAs and wards will be critically important units of management. The approach will build on four existing programme delivery systems:
(a) PHC centres, incorporating community management of acute malnutrition (CMAM)
(b) WASH committees
(c) school-based management committees; and
(d) child protection units. UNICEF will accelerate results more cost effectively by identifying opportunities for programme convergence wherever feasible through these delivery systems and sectoral entry points and focusing on key levers for implementation.
Partnership with the Government, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), civil society and the private sector will be leveraged, and innovation and social mobilization will be strategically harnessed for exponential change. The programme will work at the decentralized state and LGA levels in the delivery of services, capacity-building and programme monitoring.
To be continued...
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