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On Monday, I started sharing with you some thoughts of mine on goal setting towards all round success and by way of summarizing GOALS for SUCCESS 1, I said that for success to be achieved, your goals must be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound) and that ‘Success’ has been defined by so many people in so many different ways. However, the actual fact is that Success is the exact definition that you give to it. So, define your own success!
Today, we shall look press forward a little more by talking about how the goals we set determine our level of success. Goals are set out plans to be achieved; fractions of our purpose such that when they amalgamate, they determine how far we can go in life and how successful we become. In his book titled ‘Monday Morning Motivation; Your Work Week Starter!’, Joshua Awesome asserts that “…knowing what you want out of life helps to shape what turns out of you” - the success that you churn out.
Now, we shall look at the acronym “SUCCESS” in these under-listed fundamentals of life:
- S: Set the goal
- U: Unleash the greatness within
- C: Chart your course
- C: Commit your resources
- E: Evaluate your progress
- S: Stand firm in the face of opposition
- S: Submit to God
So friends, waste no more time fantasizing on what you imagine to be your future success. Dream as big as you can but more importantly; write down your goals, make plans to achieve them and work on your plans every single day. Take conscious actions towards achieving your goals and success will be yours.


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