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When talking about gender, it’s a social construction of how the male and female sex are or wired. Taking about gender equality is highly controversial in nature
‬ According to new research, both men and women have better quality of life in countries with a high degree of
 gender equality than in those with less gender equality .We are all one just difference in makeup so why this
Quality education is just about the innovative combination of both forms of education.
There's more of gender inequality in most developing countries than developed countries and this is due to the
fact that in Africa we've been made to believe that some things should be done by a particular gender and not
the other,, take for instance,, it is believed in Africa that only the women should cook while the man sits and
waits for the food; Also it is believed that a man must be the one providing the food... If we look at this
This setting doesn't really work in most developed countries
The Organization also encourages mainstreaming gender equality issues in education at all levels
(From early childhood to higher education), in all settings (from formal, non-formal and informal), and in all
intervention areas (from planning infrastructure to training teachers).
Gender inequality in education takes many forms depending on the context. Though gender inequality affects
girls and boys, women and men alike, girls and women are still more often disadvantaged.
The truth of the matter is this; gender equality remains the most widely discussed issue around the world today
and this is because the question of equally draws on a variety of implications. Human beings can never be equal, no sentiments attached, however men and women should be given the same opportunities before that law, be
accorded the same volume of respect. Only in this sense can gender equality be sort; among the obstacles in the way of women’s and girls’ability to exercise their right to participate in, complete and benefit from education
 are poverty, geographical isolation, minority status, disability, early marriage and pregnancy, gender based
violence, and traditional attitudes about the status and role of women.
How can this same gender equality be a solution to quality education??
To move forward, every household must encourage their kids to treat the other sex just as they would want to be treated equally.
1. They should be a school in the home whereby evening Times. Parents and children discuss about lots
of things; it bridges the gap between what's learnt at home and school; parents should have time for their kids

2. The capacity of education, policy makers, planners, teachers and other education personnel regarding gender
sensitive approaches should be developed

3. Kids of today want edutainment not education really; the school curriculum should involve activities
 involving both sexes and highly interactive also

4. We need to understand what gender means, what are misconceptions, what are the challenges?
 How can we solve them?

5. Education begins at home. Regardless of whether it is quality education or not. The most important thing to
note is this, parents must endeavour to expose children to the right background to learning, only then can these
children begin to value education generally.
What are the most common mistakes made regarding gender? What policies are on ground to ensure this? How
receptive is this gospel at grassroots levels
Gender are social constructed roles the society expects men and women to play
They are entirely different from sexes
In Nigeria for instance, women are known to keep the house, cook, clean, take care of the children and it stops
 there. Well in most areas-While for men, they expect that he is the bread winner, he is educated to a level,
he is a worker and a protector, the head of the family in almost all parts of Africa
‬ Now the world has begun to change, norms are broken, stereotypes are not adhered to and the unusual is the
 trend. We see more number of women working, economically stable, owning properties and the likes which is
in contrast to the old way, the days of women in purdah in the northern states, where women have no business
in political affairs and in communicating with men... They hid their faces...they were regarded as the weaker sex
The stereotypes still exist but in bits, these were what expected of women then... But times are changing
Women are very important to the educational sector because they are more populated than men...which implies a strong resource base that needs to be taped
We have to understand that the restrictions placed on women steam from a stereotype idea that our forefathers accepted to be the truth. These kind of stereotypes are affecting the womenfolk more than some of us are willing
to admit. Until, the rest of Africa accepts to put a stop to the general notion, gender equality will just be another unresolved case.
So what are the solutions?
Emphasis is placed on them because they are vulnerable to all sorts of things... They are victims of bad cultural practices, they have little access to land or property , they are not economically stable compared to men and lots more... Gender equality does not imply that men and women are equal but it ensures for an enabling
environment for both sexes to thrive without being discriminated... Nigeria would be better if more women are
educated, if they are trained because educating the girl is educating a nation for she is a potential mother
Most of us here buy into the same stereotypes, truth be told. Our orientation has to change.
It means that women should be engineers too; It means that women should be barbers too
So mind set needs to be reoriented
To add, it is not just about Nigeria, but Africa in its entirety.
It means that women can perform any role a man can; Why can't guys also be a teacher in the home, that is the
 social reconstruction
It means that women have the right to be educated too. Maybe orientating ladies on stuffs like this will be more
 For gender equality to be a reality. Men must lead  this fight for it not only women but about them also.
Gender is neutral, Equal opportunities for both. Sad as it sounds, most women have themselves accepted to
remain in the background. They must let go of this inhibition.
Women are the vulnerable, in some African societies; boys don't go to school at all. The society must be willing
to go all out for the woman just as much as the woman must put herself out there.
The campaign for quality education is shrouded in the ability to embrace the challenge to gain knowledge and
subsequently put it to good use.
In Nigeria in the east they have more girls in school than boys... Who of course are involved in business?
They believe in training their daughters... but in the northern States you have more boys in school than girls. The girls are married off at an early age...they do not have the opportunity to finish school... So the issues is relative
 to location
Introduction of stipends for girls who hawk in the north to encourage them to attend schools. Scholarships for
 low income households who can't afford to send their daughters to school
In this case, our emphasis is on the girl child. She is the most disadvantaged given the kind of situation our
society forces her to go through.

1 .Reorientation of the mind is key; proper remuneration scheme for rural teachers to encourage them; training
of rural teachers in adherence to the required standard.
 2. It will be a boost for African youths to champion the campaign for an intellectual revolution.
3.  There should be a seminar for mothers educating them about their girl-child
4. Situations of crisis and instability. There a problem here too.
What we do, what we say and how we do or say what must send the right message. And if we fail to embrace
the same principle, as one body, we are doomed.
5. Are we all willing to do what it takes to encourage quality education for all classes of children?
6. Educate Girls builds a cadre of village-based youth leaders to work as champions for girls' education and
catalysts for school reform. It works in the schools as well as village communities spreading awareness about
girl- child education. It boosts enrolment, retention and learning outcomes for all girls.


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